Hola guys! Today is the last day of 2011 and 2012 begins in less than 24 hours. This is a few things i have learned while on my 2011 hair journey, from these mistakes and learns i can learn better for my 2012 hair journey. I am excited for my 1, 2, 3 and all my other year anniversaries. My one year is in April, April 19 and im excited. So enjoy this post.
1. Mineral oil is not good-- At the start of my hair journey i was using deep conditioners and moisturizers with mineral oil in it not knowing that it wasnt good for the hair.
2. Check your products--I had a minor protein overload not knowing that the conditioner i co-washed with (Herbal essence long term) was a light protein and also that my leave in conditioner was a medium protein treatment.
3. Their is a limit to dusting-- I was getting addicted to dusting that i was dusting maybe every 2 weeks not knowing i was dusting all my progress away. ( THIS AFFECTS MY 1 year result progress, not as long as thought)
4. Be gentle with detangling-- One reason i had breakage was because i was detangling not proper, i was tearing my hair out. ALso detangle with conditioner or detangler.
5. My hair loves to stretch-- The thickness and the break from the relaxer.
6. Giving my hair a break-- My hair loves to be on a break and untouched. I really never did this only with my wig but not for long, but 2012 things will change, Senegalese twist will be my new best friend lol
7.Deep conditioning overnight (NO NO !)-- My hair is mushy and feels as if i have a moisture overload, and it breaks easily.
8. Rollersetting helps retain length-- Rollersetting helps my hair retain length, i did rollersets but not as much as i did prior to my hair journey. But my hair loves them! 2012 things will change.
9. Know the full knowledge when starting hair journey- i started my hair journey March 2011 but didnt know the full knowledge of a hair jouney, do and donts, bad products, moisture & protein balance, etc to probally May 2011(which affects my 1 year anniversary)
10. A hair journey is a whole year-- I abandoned my hair from August to december (which affects my 1 year). I was caught up in school that i forgot my hair, i wasnt taking as much care as i should have been. I was slacking on deep conditioning, M&S, and flat ironing more than i should have.
Everyone be safe tonight! Have a wonderful time and look forward to greater works and greater thing in 2012. Starting my new year right in the right place CHURCH.
Enjoy! (New year,same me, just another day)